Best Time to Release Music (Hour, Day, Month)

Introduction When releasing music, your goal is getting your music listened to, by as many people as possible, within the first day of release. This helps to gain traction and bust your track through the noise, hopefully garnering the attention of music industry professionals that might want to work with you and get your music […]

Branding for Artists – Step By Step Instructions

(Note: Go directly to “Summary” to only see the branding questions you need to ask yourself to determine your branding). These are my notes from the Berklee Online video on how to develop your brand as a musical artist. Stephen Webber breaks down the IVI process for branding for musical artists – Identity, Vision, and […]

Patreon for Artists part 2: The Art of Asking

Watching this YouTube video from Amanda Palmers TED Talk: The Art of Asking. It’s very much in line with what I’ve read in the book “The Cycle – Managing Arts Organizations”. Asking for help (monetary contributions) doesn’t need to be begging, it can be a fair exchange. A fair exchange of music, goods, but also […]

Patreon for Artists and Singer/Songwriters

From reading “The Cycle – Managing Arts Organizations”, it made me think a lot about how arts organizations get financial support, based on their mission. Basically, have a strong mission, share it with the world, and get support from people who believe in your mission (and/or love your music). Patreon seems like a great way […]

What are the best acoustic guitar strings?

I decided to finally find the best sounding set of strings for my Martin X acoustic guitar, and as usual when buying a product, I dove deep into reviews online to hear what the consensus was about what sounds best. I cruised around reddit and guitar forums, and took notes on what people said, for […]

Best size acoustic guitar strings for beginners

In general, the lighter the size (gauge), the easier they are to play. The easier they are the play, the better your performance will be. The better your performance, the better your recordings will be. (You can always make things sound different with adding plugins, effect, etc, in your DAW. Lighter gauge strings will be […]